Monday, January 24, 2011

Who am I

Who am I? here I am facing the monitor....pondering these 3 worded sentence/question and honestly I am lost for words. There are so many words & adjectives that I can surely use to describe myself and yet putting those words and forming them into sentences is a little harder than I thought. I guess, the words that would best describe me is carefree and least that's the kind of description that I heard a lot from my peers. I'm the type of person who don't like drama & my approach to life is one of laughter and joy. So who or what am I really? I'm a daughter, niece, a cousin, a friend and maybe even an enemy to others. I am a person influenced by media, raised and molded by family & society. My actions and re-actions are strongly influenced with the world that I grew-up in. My feelings and emotions w/ the objectivity provided by my intellect to weight things rules my over-all being. Yesterday... I was a past serves as my basic foundation... Today, I am an experience continued to grow guiding me to be the person that I am today. one knows what will happen. Tomorrow lies unknown adventure that will continue to shape my existence. Bottom line...I don't really know myself, I have an awareness and a sense of who I really am is someone that I am still trying to know...confusing isn't it? I guess I'm still at a certain point in my life that's trying to figure somethings...I'm still on my trek, I'm going somewhere although I'm not sure where or how to get there yet but I'm well on my way. I am

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