In approximately 22 hours from now, work for me would mean staying up the entire night as I am about to start my graveyard shift. So here I am, the time is 1:25 in the morning and yes I am still awake and have every intention of staying so until the last traces of darkness leaves the sky and morning breaks in. This is my game plan, this is me prepping up my body for a whole new change, allowing my body clock to ease into a whole new time slot.
I'm not exactly sure weather I dread or welcome the GY shift. Working as a midshifter for the past months has it's perks. I do have the luxury of staying up late at night , even until early daybreak plus less pressure at work, what more can I ask right? When one works in a Call Center with the majority of it's customers are living overseas, (particularly the United States and Australia) midshift meant that when you start work, the day of the people you are expecting to call (up for assistance) are ending. Thus, Midshift means less call, more idle time. Idle time that you get to waste either chatting with your co-workers, sleeping at your station, reading a book or if you get lucky browse the internet and play games, that is if your company's MIS has not blocked those internet sites you so frequently access. While the perks are tempting and hard to resist, The midhisft has one great setback ... the wage. Of course since you are not pressured to either stay-up to work at night or wake-up and report for work earlier than an average working individual, you also don't have the benefit of getting any nightly allowance and night differential aside from your monthly salary. Less pay, meant less buying power and less buying power results in a tight budget. Being in a tight budget means limited to no luxuries only money could provide. Wether I will like my new shift or miss my previous shift remains to be seen.
So here I am, the only living soul awake at this ungodly hour blabbering here while rest of my household population are deep asleep in the safety of their subconscious. While I'm here bored and a wee bit sleepy. I have taken my can of Nescafe cold coffee hoping for the caffeine to perk me up into eluding slumber. my game plan? A tv/movie marathon which I have already started earlier with the movie "Tangled" followed by a couple of episodes from the 5th season of the medical dramedy "House", and then, the Disney tv-movie "Avalon High" and now I am about to start the 12th episode of the comedy series "Outsourced". Later I 'll deliberate continuing with either another TV series or another movie. Hopefully when morning comes, My body would be too tired and follow my mind's desire to sleep , then I'd be able to avoid struggling to sleep the rest of the day allowing my body to ease into to the graveyard shift with simplicity.